The town occupies a total area of 243,83 km2 , including Vrlika and eight gravitating villages: Garjak, Ježević, Koljane, Kosore, Maovice, Otišić, Podosoje and Vinalić. According to the 2011 census, its population was 2,177...
The town occupies a total area of 243,83 km2 , including Vrlika and eight gravitating villages: Garjak, Ježević, Koljane, Kosore, Maovice, Otišić, Podosoje and Vinalić. According to the 2011 census, its population was 2,177...
The folk costume of Vrlika is one of Croatia's greatest national ethnographic treasures. Not only the most recognisable part of ethnographic heritage, but it is also part of history. The first weavers borrowed the basic ornament...
Native vegetation of the Vrlika region comprises a large number of plant communities, or habitat types. According to the data available, in the area of the Dinara mountain there are around 750 plant species, of which more than 110...
Ovdje ćete pronaći informacije kako doći do grada Vrlike koristeći razna prijevozna sredstva. Automobiom, autobusom, vlakom, avionom, taxi vozilom...
Pure Inland Dalmatia, Croatia ... History, Heritage and Nature at its best :)